

Google Sketch Up TUP-T Building BASD Good day!!! Here I am again in to my 7 th blog. I hope and pray that everyone is right now. We are now in the middle of crisis were everyone is facing but don’t lose hope because we know that God is in control just trust and believe that he will spare our families,love ones and our country. We can do it together as a team, as one nation. Anyway I am here to share my experience how to use google sketch up so the introduction is just encouragement   for everyone. Google sketch up is an application were you can build and design your own thing whether is an object or anything comes from your mind its unlimited depends how creative you are but it more frequently used by architect and engineer in making a design. It was introduce by our instructor to use this apps for our activity and he teaches the basics and important tips in using google sketch up and do some demonstration how it work. Personally this app is new for me and having a dou...